Supporting you remotely

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In these uncertain times, we’re all having to adapt and do things differently and at Performance Breakthrough we too are adapting to our customers’ needs.

We are delighted to announce that from today we will be supporting all of our families and sports people via Skype, WhatsApp Video, Zoom etc. rather than have to come into the office for a face to face meeting. We have been working indeed with families using this technology across the world, but it’s lovely to be able to offer this service now to our local families here in Northern Ireland.

We will be in contact with you all over the next few weeks and if you haven’t started working with us as yet and you’re concerned that maybe your child has difficulty concentrating, maybe frustration levels are very high, behavioural issues are damaging family life, or if you are a sports person and you’re not playing competitively now for a while and you would like to maybe hone your reaction speed, your hand eye co-ordination, etc. then get in touch, we can help, we can evaluate you remotely , the evaluation is free and let’s make use of this time whenever the children maybe are off school and you’re not playing competitvely.

So we really look forward to hearing from you and just keep safe!

Thank you, Susan Steele

More To Explore


Hyper Active / Over Excited

To hear how family life can become calm for you too join our Parents Awareness Event on Thursday at 10am: performancebreakthrough/events or give us a

Complete your Child’s Evaluation

Take 10 minutes to complete our tick-box evaluation for your child. It covers 59 traits including difficulty getting organised in the morning, unable to follow instructions,  anxiety, frustration and meltdowns etc. 

Complete and submit your form, without obligation and we will be in touch.

Click here to complete your Child Evaluation

Dr Anish Anish Paediatric Consultant and Head of ADHD services recommends Performance Breakthrough.

Click below to read his full recommendation

Book us to speak at your Event

We would be delighted to speak at your event. Contact Susan to book her to speak at your school, workplace or sports ground. Susan tells the story of how she found the programme for her own two sons and how it enabled her to stop shouting! She also explains the science behind how and why this Movement Therapy Programme works.

Give Us A Call​​

Where to find us

Donaghadee, County Down